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The Swing


When building an effective repeatable golf swing, it is important for the player to understand that 80% of the swing is completed before they even move the club away.....that's how important the fundamentals are to an effective setup.  The remaining 20% is simply the athletic move of putting the golf club into motion.


  • The best of individual instruction teaches the basics of proper fundamentals at the beginner level to understanding the ball flight laws unique to your swing for the advanced player 


  • Proper setup fundamentals with the grip, stance, aim, ball position, and tension points are essential in building a repeatable effective golf swing


  • The knowledge in understanding how your swing works will give you the confidence to transfer your swing from the practice area to the Golf Course

  •  Mastering Your Swing

    • The importance of a proper Takeaway,  and creating the correct width and extension in the backswing

    • Proper slotting to achieve the best angle of attack for your swing

    • Swinging with maximum potential yet keeping proper balance

Short Game Lessons

  • Understanding the importance of playing the game inside 100 yards and shot making strategies around the green.  


  • Learn how to control those in between yardages with your wedges using the "Clock Drill Method".  


  • Learn and understand the techniques as well as the differences between pitching and chipping and how having the correct wedges with loft and bounce in your bag play key role in the execution of these shots.

  • Introducing the effectiveness and strategy of using different club options around the green.  For example, using the Hybrid Bump and Run on those tight run-off areas.

  • Forging new techniques to alleviate uncertainty with your bunker game and adopt a new confidence in those shots that require a higher swing speed with the ball traveling a higher and shorter distance.



"It's a personal touch" yet solid, relaxed fundamentals are essential to executing the best roll on the ball.


  • Find the best setup and stroke for your technique in achieving the best in distance and direction with the help of the SAM Putt Lab Analysis.


  • Read the greens with the knowledge and expertise in learning to identify the lay of the land, texture of the greens, and grain.


  • Develop a great Pre-shot routine..

  • Establish your dominant eye to determine if you are a linear or non-linear putter

  • Match the ideal putter design to your stroke

  • Instill the 3 C's:

    • Comfort

    • Control 

    • Confidence​

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